This salad makes a really nice change from the usual mayonnaise covered potatoes that you can find everywhere.
1 large potato
1 large sweet potato
Small handful of chopped fresh mint
3 tbsp EV olive oil
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp grainy mustard
Peel both potatoes and cut them into bite sized pieces. Place the potatoes into two different saucepans because the sweet potato cooks much, much faster than the normal potato.
Make the dressing by mixing the oil, vinegar and the mustard.
Boil the white potato in salted water for about 10 minutes or so until the pieces are a little soft. Boil the sweet potato in salted water for only about 5 mins. Test the ‘doneness’ with the tip of a small sharp knife.
Drain the potatoes and put into a large bowl. Whist still warm pour on the dressing, sprinkle the mint and add some salt & pepper.
Optional extras include finely chopped gherkins and / or some chopped spring onions.
Give it a gentle stir and tip out onto a dish. Serve whilst still warm if possible.
:) :) :)
* bows *, autograph signing later.
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